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Compliance Gets Easier with the Right Technology Investments

Compliance Gets Easier with the Right Technology Investments

GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are two examples of how global privacy regulations are becoming more prevalent, stringent and punitive. Organizations must proactively invest in security and systems management solutions that can locate, manage and categorize sensitive data across all computing devices and ensure that their investments reflect a robust commitment to visibility and control of all endpoints.

In the rush to comply, however, too many organizations will spend unnecessarily on too much software, hoping that the next purchase will be the “silver bullet” to compliance. But as researcher IDC explains, hope isn’t a strategy for compliance, especially with so much more data residing on so many more connected endpoints. And in the era of cloud and SaaS adoption, the challenge is only increasing.

As IDC researcher Ryan O’Leary describes in a new IDC Market Spotlight sponsored by Tanium:

“…80% of respondents surveyed by IDC indicated that they expect their overall number of networked endpoints will increase in the next three years. More endpoints mean more areas where data is accessed and privacy compliance violations could occur. IDC estimates that 3.1 zettabytes (3,100,000,000 terabytes) of data are being stored in endpoints today and forecasts that volume to grow to 4.9 zettabytes by 2023.

IDC expects that alongside exploding data volumes, SaaS adoption will continue a steady rise within enterprise deployment, further complicating endpoint privacy compliance. While SaaS applications host data outside of endpoints, the endpoints still access the data and are vulnerable to privacy and security issues.”

It’s time to invest the right way to create a culture of compliance.

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