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Tanium for retail

Help attain industry compliance, protect cardholder data and optimize IT investments to improve the bottom line.


The average amount of cyber liability insurance organizations set aside to deal with data breaches.

2019 DBIR Report Verizon


The average total cost of a data breach for organizations globally.

Ponemon Institute


of retailers are not in full compliance with PCI Data Security Standards.



of breaches in the retail industry involved POS systems.



How can you protect sensitive customer data if you can't see or control the systems that handle it?

Global retailers are required to protect sensitive customer information on POS and other systems, according to compliance standards such as PCI, in order to maintain customer trust and retention while avoiding fines and penalties. Unfortunately, retail IT departments leverage a patchwork of operations and security point tools that are both costly and susceptible to disruption. Furthermore, retail branches operate in distributed and often low bandwidth environments where immediate and constant communication to systems on the network is challenging. It’s imperative for retail IT teams to ensure they have complete visibility and control across all systems to maintain a strong security posture and mitigate risk, all while trying to optimize costs.


How supermarkets and retail chains are combating cybersecurity threats

Tanium for retail

Gain visibility and control across endpoints to protect sensitive information, meet compliance objectives and reduce IT complexity.

Meet industry compliance standards

Discover managed and unmanaged assets and query for real-time data across your systems to help ensure compliance according to PCI-DSS and CCPA.

Protect cardholder data

Help locate and manage sensitive data such as personally identifiable information or credit card numbers to mitigate the risk of exposure.

Reduce complexity and cost

Bridge the gap between your IT operations and security functions through a unified platform and help reduce the complexity of your infrastructure to improve the bottom line.

“Tanium is one of the few tools that I can trust to tell me if something is going on in our network.”

Jason Painter Director of Security Operations Williams Sonoma
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