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Gain Advanced Endpoint Management With Certificate Manager and New Features for Enforce

One platform for the entire endpoint management lifecycle

Tech Insights

Tanium can solve more of your endpoint management needs than ever before.

We have just launched our new product Certificate Manager and added three new features to our core product Enforce — Modern Device Management for macOS®, Enhanced Policy Management for Windows, and USB Removable Storage Management.

Your endpoint environment is constantly changing, introducing new devices to manage and new risks to mitigate. With our new product and these new features, we’ve expanded Tanium’s core visibility and control to cover more emerging use cases — and to close more of your exposures — from our single, unified platform.

Read on to explore:

  • How Certificate Manager can give you comprehensive, real-time visibility into your certificates, their current strengths, and when they will expire.
  • How our new Enforce features can give you control over a wider range of devices in a wider range of contexts (including recent acquisitions).
  • How you can bring our new products and features to your organization today.

Meet our new product: Tanium Certificate Manager

Studies show the average enterprise deploys 50,000+ digital certificates, and managing these has become mission-critical.

Unfortunately, many organizations struggle to maintain visibility and control over their certificates. Most attempt to manage their certificates manually via spreadsheets or by using legacy point tools that fail to provide real-time visibility into every one of the organization’s certificates located on every endpoint of their environment.

The result? Many organizations:

  • Experience outages and compromises of their web services, creating lost revenue, reputation, and productivity.
  • Invest a lot of time and effort attempting to manage their certificates, and still have weak, unknown, and expired certificates in their environment.
  • Create risk by deploying exploitable certificates in their network and failing to integrate certificate management with their cybersecurity and IT functions.

Tanium’s new product — Certificate Manager — solves these problems. With Certificate Manager, you will:

  • Find your certificates. Certificate Manager gives you comprehensive, real-time visibility into every certificate in your environment — including certificates that traditional tools often can’t find. From there, Certificate Manager tells you the health and status of your certificates and sends you alerts when one is about to expire. Then, Certificate Manager presents all of this information in a single inventory that makes certificate management simple.
  • See where they are stored. Certificate Manager gives you an accurate, real-time picture of where your certificates are located on your endpoints. With this view, you will improve your security posture by quickly seeing which of your certificates are from authorized Certificate Authorities (CAs) and which are not and by knowing exactly which networks and ports to scan for indicators of compromise.
  • Verify and improve their security. Finally, Certificate Manager analyzes the security level of each of your certificates and tells you which are stronger and less vulnerable to being compromised and which need a higher level of encryption. To do so, Certificate Manager shows you the key size of each of your certificates, highlights which need longer and stronger keys. With Certificate Manager, you will see where you are most vulnerable, and your organization can take prioritized action to close your biggest risks.

In sum: With Certificate Manager, you will reduce the time and effort you spend managing your certificates — while improving the accuracy and effectiveness of your processes — leading to fewer service disruptions, security risks, and wasted staff-hours.

Tanium Enforce expands its reach with three new features

Enforce is one of our core products. It gives you a simple, centralized solution to enroll your employees’ devices and manage policies on them through simple, scalable, effective configuration management — at any scale, for both mobile and traditional endpoints, no matter where they live, in seconds.

With Tanium Enforce, you can simplify policy management, close your security and compliance exposures, and improve your operational efficiency. And today, we released three new features for Tanium Enforce that expand this product’s core capabilities to new contexts. They are Modern Device Management for macOS®, Enhanced Policy Management for Windows, and USB Removable Storage Management. Let’s look at each new feature in a little more depth.

  • Modern Device Management (MDM) for macOS®: Apple products are becoming a mainstay in the enterprise. With Tanium Enforce, you can now gain visibility and control over your employees’ Mac computers and manage them from the same console you manage their Windows and Linux devices. You can perform all vital MDM functions on Macs — including patching, configuring policies, managing device encryption, enrolling devices, provisioning and remotely wiping devices, and more — remotely, at scale by your IT administrators.
  • Enhanced Policy Management for Windows: Device, user, and security policies for Windows are now easier to manage. With Tanium Enforce, you can apply policies to any supported Windows device — including off-premises, non-domain, and now domain-joined devices that don’t have line of sight to a domain controller — making it easier to expand coverage across your hybrid environment. You will consolidate tools, reduce policy duplication across multiple domains, and better evaluate and apply policies to remote devices and in complex situations like recent acquisitions.
  • USB Removable Storage Management: Portable devices like USB thumb drives are essential for modern work, but they also open security risks — they can be used to steal sensitive data, or to implant malicious code onto a managed device. With Tanium Enforce, you can now audit USB hardware connected to your endpoints and manage read/write access to ensure authorized USB devices appropriately, while preventing unauthorized USB devices from introducing malware or exfiltrating sensitive data.

In sum: Tanium Enforce has expanded its core capabilities to provide visibility, control, and greater security over new workflows and the changing contours of your endpoint environment. Looking forward, we will continue to evaluate and expand Enforce’s capabilities to provide a comprehensive approach to managing all of your devices.

One platform for the entire endpoint lifecycle

We have one vision for our Converged Endpoint Management (XEM) platform — to give you a single solution for every workflow, for every endpoint in your environment.

Our new product Certificate Manager, and our new Enforce features, bring us closer to realizing our vision. They recognize emerging challenges in today’s endpoint environments, give you new capabilities to meet those challenges, and integrate them into our core portfolio of endpoint management and security tools.

In sum: With Certificate Manager and our new Enforce features, you can manage and secure more of your endpoints in more ways than ever before — quickly, easily and at any scale.

Join us to learn more about these product updates on April 6. Register for the webinar today.

You can also find more information on bringing Tanium’s expanding XEM capabilities to your organization:

Learn more about Certificate Manager

Learn more about Enforce

Set up a demo of our products, features and XEM platform

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