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How Financial Services Can Recover IT Hygiene Post-Pandemic

“This kind of event happening is once in a lifetime.”

Scott Lowe is the Managing Director and Founder of EndpointX, a unified endpoint management and security firm that primarily services financial services institutions.

Lowe and his teams work directly with their clients to produce visibility and control over their sprawling endpoint environments.

When the pandemic struck, financial services organizations were thrown into chaos, and Lowe and his teams helped their clients through every step of this transition.

Here’s what Lowe experienced and learned during the pandemic.

Primary challenges for financial services during the WFH transition

Lowe, his teams, and their tooling were well set-up for this event. During the initial transition to Work From Home (WFH), they were flexible enough to maintain endpoint visibility and control for their clients.

However, Lowe watched his clients struggle with many other elements of the transition.

Many lacked enough physical inventory to equip their staff with remote workstations.

Many lacked VPN capacity to allow all of their workers to connect externally to the corporate network at once.

Nearly all had to compromise some of their security controls to make the transition work.

While Lowe understands why these corners were cut, he believes that now is the right time to re-establish effective endpoint management security.

Lowe’s advice: A return to basic IT hygiene

Lowe offers a simple starting point for financial service firms today. He believes they must regain both visibility and control over all endpoints within their network.

Lowe believes this capability comes down to the right tooling. He argues that most cybersecurity and IT operations tools were designed for on-premise work, and organizations must consider replacing these tools with platforms designed for today’ distributed environments— which he feels are here to stay.

To dive deeper into Lowe’s story, and to learn more about what happened when the world stayed home,

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