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Sensitive Data Management Made Fast and Simple: Introducing Tanium Reveal

Sensitive Data Management Made Fast and Simple: Introducing Tanium Reveal

Compliance requirements are changing rapidly

Tanium is here to help. Today we’re pleased to announce limited availability of Tanium Reveal, our sensitive-data-at-rest detection module.

Organizations have always faced ever-growing complexity and scale, but today’s interleaved mesh of industry and legislative regulations represent a new challenge to overcome. PCI requirements are more stringent than ever, GDPR enforcements are poised to begin and CCPA is just around the corner. From the United States to Canada and Australia, various breach notification and digital privacy laws are now standard. How can organizations best discover the information they need to determine their compliance status and thus, avoid the damages from a compliance failure?

We are continually seeking ways to extend the Tanium platform to solve some of your toughest challenges. Our focus is to improve the state of business resilience within your organization. We’ve listened closely to our customers describing the challenges of today and tomorrow, and when it comes to compliance, managing dispersed sensitive data is more difficult than ever.

Three pain points related to compliance keep coming up in our conversations:

  1. Intrusive multi-agent platforms. We’ve heard great dissatisfaction with legacy Data Loss Prevention tools that interfere with user activities, destabilize operating systems and soak up hardware infrastructure.
  2. Mishandling of sensitive data. Many DLP tools are built with designs that predate the sensitive data movement laws that some countries have begun to mandate. These products freely copy potentially sensitive data into centralized storage, causing significant risk even as they consume precious resources.
  3. Challenging workflow. The effort required by teams to tune rules, manage false positives and validate true positive results begins at “high” and proceeds to “painful” as organizations re-deploy their tools into multiple areas to handle legal requirements and challenges of scale.

Tanium helps customers solve these challenges using the unparalleled visibility of the Tanium Platform, as well as powerful modules like Comply, Map and now, Reveal. Tanium can uncover compliance failures faster and facilitate remediations more effectively than any comparable product. Tanium is an ideal tool for assisting organizations meet their compliance obligations.

Say hello to all of your sensitive data, instantly

With Tanium Reveal, organizations can further leverage the Tanium platform to gain visibility and insight into sensitive data at rest on endpoints. Tanium Reveal allows you to define sensitive data patterns, continuously monitor your endpoints for matching artifacts, and then categorize, notify, alert and take action. Reveal uses the Tanium infrastructure to index unstructured data on managed endpoints for continuous querying. In addition, users can categorize sensitive documents for further analysis and initiate alerts or workflows to restore compliance.

Tanium Reveal also provides out-of-the-box content so that your organization can gather information needed to meet some of the industry’s most stringent compliance benchmarks. Supporting content for PCI, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA and Tanium’s advanced file lifecycle and movement tracking tools make Reveal a game changer in this space.

Furthermore, the client-centric Tanium architecture avoids producing an expensive and dangerous server-side cache of sensitive data. This keeps Tanium out of scope for compliance auditing, reducing efforts spent reviewing tools instead of reviewing the line of business systems.

The end result is instant and comprehensive scanning, classification, reporting and remediation of sensitive data issues across their IT environment.

Here are some of the key features of Tanium Reveal:

  1. Sensitive Data Detection: Locate, categorize and manage personally identifiable information, personal health information and sensitive project keywords in a wide variety of common file formats on Windows and Mac endpoints.
  2. File Lifecycle Awareness: View the movement and change history of a file over time within an endpoint, including changes in ownership and permissions, changes in classification status and more.
  3. Out of the Box Content: Use default content to enhance visibility into GDPR, PCI, HIPAA and CCPA use cases. Detect personal information, financial information and free-form text strings in previously unmanaged files.

Next-level visibility to make the business more resilient

With rising costs and frequency of technology-related business disruptions, we believe that improving business resilience should be a CIO’s top priority. Disruptions, like those associated with compromised or stolen sensitive data, are costly; according the Ponemon Institute’s Cost of a Data Breach Study 2018, it costs organizations on average $148 per record stolen. Business Resilience is the practice to ensure that the technology running the business can of adapt to disruption while safeguarding assets. The result of implementing Business Resilience is to ultimately reduce the frequency of disruptions and when disruptions do inevitably occur, dramatically reduce the lag time between disruption and recovery.

Shared visibility between operations and security teams is at the heart of Business Resilience. Tanium Reveal can remove the need for yet another point solution that provides only fragmented visibility and adds infrastructure overhead and complexity, and also the need for manual processes that are out of date as soon as they’re implemented.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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About the Author: Jack Coates is a Director of Product Management at Tanium. He is passionate about growing Tanium’s vision of business resilience management and bringing great products to market to help customers across security, risk, and IT operations use cases.

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