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This Is What Happens When Security and IT Operations Are at Odds

The risky consequences of strained security and IT operations relationships

Today we’re sharing results of a new study by Forrester Consulting, commissioned by Tanium, that reveals how strained relationships between security and IT operations teams are leaving businesses at risk. Traditionally, security and operations have often operated in siloed and separate workflows, but as Forrester’s study of enterprises reveals, better collaboration among the two sides isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s actually leaving organizations more vulnerable if it’s lacking.

Two in three enterprises (67%) interviewed say driving collaboration and alignment between Security and IT Operations teams is a major challenge, and this strain widens visibility gaps and impedes issue resolution.

Our findings

The study also shows how security and IT operations teams are experiencing a false sense of confidence built upon incomplete views of the data in their IT environment. Here are some other key findings:

  • Security and IT operations teams with strained relationships take nearly two weeks longer to patch IT vulnerabilities than teams with healthy relationships
  • Only about half (51%) of enterprise organizations feel they have full visibility into the vulnerabilities and risks in their environment
  • Less than half (49%) say they have full visibility into all the hardware and software assets connected to their IT environment

A unified endpoint platform – a common toolset for both security and IT operations – helps to alleviate the challenges the teams experience from tool sprawl and poor collaboration. It helps align teams and provide a complete view of the environment, closing the visibility gaps with real-time data, strengthening workflows and enabling teams to make informed decisions to act and react timely to disruptive incidents.

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1Strained Relationships Between Security And IT Ops Teams Leave Businesses At Risk, a November 2019 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Tanium.

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