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Tanium vs. Qualys

Tanium allows organizations to take a proactive, efficient approach to risk and compliance management.  This means not only finding vulnerability and compliance gaps in minutes, but also prioritizing and fixing them in seconds.

Why customers trust Tanium over Qualys

Complete visibility

Complete visibility

A Qualys scheduled scan can take days or weeks to detect endpoint changes — a delay that leads to compliance gaps, vulnerabilities and malware infections on undetected endpoints. Meanwhile, Tanium’s linear chain architecture lets you instantly gather data from all endpoints and distribute patches across a global enterprise.

One tool with zero additional infrastructure

One tool with zero additional infrastructure

Tanium and Qualys are fundamentally different. Qualys specializes in vulnerability research for known issues. Tanium offers a single platform for risk management, compliance, and key aspects of IT operations and security — allowing you to reduce complexity and manage risk with one solution, without additional agents or infrastructure.

Single source of truth

Single source of truth

Many companies rely on up to 10 different data sources for security and risk metrics. That makes it nearly impossible to get timely, holistic insights into your risk exposure or the impact of security incidents. Tanium gives you a single consistent data source that can feed all your analytics tools, help you manage risk and respond to exploits.

Tanium vs. Qualys

Should you augment or replace Qualys?

Is your priority…

Use cases

Replace Qualys

with Tanium if you’re looking for…

Augment Qualys

with Tanium if you’re looking to….

Maintaining visibility to risks across your endpoint estate in minutes vs. days or weeks? Gather vulnerability and compliance results within minutes Accurate, timely vulnerability and compliance status for traditional endpoints (e.g., servers, workstations, VMs, routers, etc.) Validate scan results from Qualys and are comfortable with its speed of scan results
Scan endpoints on and off your corporate network Vulnerability and compliance information from traditional endpoints in minutes — whether they are on the network or not Scan off-network endpoints or validate Qualys scan results for on-network endpoints
Maintain visibility to vulnerability and compliance through agent- based and credentialed network scans Single platform to scan both traditional, managed endpoints and unmanageable remote endpoints (e.g., routers) in minutes Perform vulnerability & compliance scans targeting web applications or databases
Accurately and quickly driving prioritization across IT operations, security and risk teams? Comprehensively prioritize risk management efforts (e.g., hardening, policy controls, etc.) A risk-based approach to managing your endpoints and need contextual information that goes beyond the incidence rate of a particular vulnerability or compliance gap in your environment Supplement Qualys’ research around vulnerability exploits in the wild with contextual information about your endpoints (e.g., whether they have sensitive data at rest, outbound lateral movement impact if compromised, etc.)
Maintain and reference a single system of record for endpoint risk and remediation A single, accurate, timely data store for all endpoint risk information that security and operations teams can collectively reference and prioritize vulnerabilities and compliance gaps Supplement Qualys’ vulnerability prioritization and exploit research with a 360-degree view of the state of each endpoint
Remediating as fast as you find critical risks? Comprehensive, flexible remediation across all traditional endpoints, whether domain-joined or not (i.e., OS patching, software updates, configuration settings) One solution to manage all remediation efforts — whether that involves patching endpoints, updating software, updating configuration settings, or taking a custom action on your endpoints Validate the success of integrations in place between Qualys and your remediation tools
Remediate vulnerability and compliance gaps with speed and accuracy Rapid, accurate way to remediate across all of your assets in seconds vs. days or weeks Validate that remediation efforts are successful if you are satisfied with Qualys’ current speed of remediation
Managing your risk and compliance program with minimal end-user impact and zero incremental infrastructure?  Run agent-based scans for traditional endpoints without intermediate infrastructure (e.g., relay servers) Cost and infrastructure savings while enhancing the speed and accuracy with which you manage your risk and compliance program on traditional endpoints (e.g., servers, workstations, VMs, etc.)
Run credentialed scans against remote devices without introducing dedicated network scanners Cost and infrastructure savings when scanning remote endpoints (e.g., routers, ESX environments, etc.)
Leverage the same agent for all endpoint-related operations Minimize the load and the number of agents required to manage all of your endpoints