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Tanium Asset

Get a comprehensive inventory of hardware and software assets across your environment.

With Tanium Asset, IT operations and asset management teams get real-time data about their IT assets, regardless of location. These rich insights help organizations make the right decisions about managing their devices and systems efficiently.

IT assets should not be liabilities

Know and maintain your IT asset and SBOM inventory in real-time.

Simplify asset and SBOM discovery and management

Quickly find and maintain an accurate inventory of your IT assets.

Act on real-time data

Make data-informed decisions about hardware and software across the environment.

Enrich existing tools

Increase throughput by reclaiming underutilized assets and improve reporting from third-party data stores.

SBOM reporting at runtime

When the next software supply chain vulnerability is reported, you're ready and equipped with the data to provide an answer to your leadership and mitigate the risk.

Configurable reporting for inventory and audit preparation

Understand the status of your devices within seconds and run configurable reports. Make the right changes for your software licensing and hardware decommissioning based on asset location – remote, on-premises or in the cloud.

Tanium value metrics

Through comprehensive and real-time analytical insights about their devices, Tanium helps organizations measurably improve IT hygiene, employee productivity and operational efficiencies while reducing risk, complexity and costs.

Software usage coverage (% of Total Endpoints)

Are you tracking everything you’re supposed to? Many organizations are not aware of the devices on their network. Percent of total endpoints tells you what percentage of your networked devices are known, helping identify potential risks.

Tracked software unused (% of Software)

How much software are you paying for and not using? With percent of software Unused organizations can clearly understand where software is installed and how it is being used…or not, potentially helping companies reclaim millions of dollars in software license fees.