Last Updated: January 8, 2020
Tanium™ is a trademark and registered trademark of Tanium Inc. (“Tanium”) in the United States and other countries. Additionally, Tanium has rights in other trademarks such as the Tanium logo. Tanium takes the protection of our trademarks very seriously. To maintain the goodwill that Tanium has developed in the marketplace, its trademarks must be used with permission and properly in all contexts. These Tanium Trademark Usage Guidelines (“Guidelines”) are intended for its partners, customers, consultants, and any third party authorized to use any trademark owned by Tanium in any promotional, commercial, educational or reference material. If you have any questions about a specific trademark or logo usage, or would like further information regarding these Guidelines, please contact us at: [email protected].
These Guidelines are general in nature and not intended to be an exhaustive list of Tanium’s trademark rights. Tanium reserves all rights in its trademarks, including rights not expressly reflected herein. The goodwill derived from any authorized use of a Tanium trademark inures solely to Tanium’s benefit.
Tanium may update these Guidelines from time to time. Please refer back to these Guidelines before publishing your use of Tanium trademarks to ensure your compliance. Unless you receive advance written consent from Tanium, or Tanium grants you the right to use a trademark through a written agreement, you may not use any Tanium trademark. Even if we grant such consent, we reserve the right to modify or revoke the consent in our sole discretion unless otherwise prohibited in a separate agreement.
If you are a licensee of one or more Tanium trademarks, please consult your agreement with Tanium for any additional or different requirements applicable to your use. You are subject to additional guidelines such as the Tanium Logo Style Guide (request via [email protected]) outlining prohibited and permitted uses of Tanium trademarks, including written requirements for the size, typeface, colors, and other graphical characteristics for each. Any such additional guidelines merely supplement and do not replace these general guidelines. Tanium requires you to abide by these Guidelines as well as any and all applicable supplementary guidelines.
You must comply with any Tanium request to correct, remedy or discontinue any use of a Tanium trademark that is determined by Tanium to be improper.
Tanium shall not be liable to you for any damages arising out of the use of the Tanium trademarks pursuant to these Guidelines, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or otherwise.
As much as practicable, Tanium trademarks must be used as either proper adjectives or proper nouns as each appears in the Tanium Trademark List below, followed respectively by either: (a) the name of the product module the trademark modifies (for example, “Tanium Patch”); or (b) a general description of the product (for example, “The Tanium platform provides unparalleled visibility and control across globally distributed endpoints.”). Use the letters TM in superscript, ™, to represent the Tanium trademark when referencing the Tanium platform or Tanium product modules. For example:
- the Tanium™ platform; or
- Tanium™ Patch
You must include the TM symbol along with the Tanium name upon the first use of the trademark, whether the first use occurs in the title or in the text of the work. If you are allowed to use the Tanium logo, then the inclusion of the logo containing the appropriate TM symbol will also suffice for a first use of the mark.
When referencing a Tanium trademark in any website, publication, or other promotional material in the U.S. and abroad, you must always include appropriate trademark attribution language for the mark(s) you reference acknowledging Tanium’s ownership of the trademark. For example, “Tanium and the Tanium logo are trademarks of Tanium Inc.”
- You may not abbreviate, adapt, alter, modify, translate or animate any Tanium trademark (for example, do not abbreviate Tanium to TNM), nor use it in plural, possessive, or modified form.
- You may not combine any Tanium trademark with any letters, numbers, words, designs, or trademarks of other companies.
- You may not use any Tanium trademarks in any way that states or implies an endorsement of your product or service.
- You may not use Tanium’s trademarks in a manner that dilutes, tarnishes or otherwise conflicts with Tanium’s ability to use and/or enforce its trademarks, even if such use is under license.
- You may not use Tanium’s trademarks in a manner or location that is disparaging, defamatory or libelous to Tanium, its products and services or any person or entity. References to the Tanium trademarks must be truthful, accurate and not misleading.
- You may not display any Tanium trademark in connection with any publication, website or materials that are obscene, pornographic, violent, in poor taste, unlawful, intended to encourage unlawful activities, or intended to encourage the breach of any subscription agreement or security measure of Tanium.
- You may not use a Tanium trademark or any word or phrase similar to a Tanium trademark in any domain name or as meta tags or hidden text in any web site.
- You may not purchase any Tanium trademark or tag line as an ad word or advertising key word from any search engine, social media forum, or other online venue. Additionally, your company name, product or services names, logos, designs and other trademarks, publications, domain names and branding materials must:
- Not incorporate any Tanium logo, design or other trademark in the name or logo of your company, product, service or domain except under express written license;
- Not be confusingly similar to any Tanium trademark, including any misspelling, phonetic equivalent, abbreviation, foreign language translation or word that rhymes with or sounds like any Tanium trademark;
- Not copy or imitate the trade dress used by Tanium in whole or in part, including the visual design of the Tanium branding and marketing collateral, the look and feel of the Tanium website or any Tanium web property, color combinations, typography, formatting, graphic design or imagery associated with Tanium’s products, services, publications or branding;
- Not directly or indirectly express or imply a sponsorship, affiliation, partnership, certification, approval or endorsement with Tanium in relation to your product or service or in such a manner that it appears that Tanium is legally associated with your company except as expressly provided in an advance written license agreement;
- Not display the Tanium trademarks without your own mark also present or otherwise make them the visual focal point of your materials, nor display them more prominently or larger than your own marks and designs or other designs, marks, or trade designs;
- Not crowd the Tanium trademarks with other designs, marks or trade names such that it is not clearly recognizable; or
- Not use Tanium trademarks in a way that may be seen by customers or the public to be a part of or an extension of Tanium.
Tanium Inc. is our company name. When you refer to Tanium as a company, please use the incorporated designation (e.g., “Tanium Inc.”) with the first or most prominent reference, and do not use a trademark symbol. Tanium’s company name may be abbreviated to Tanium in subsequent references. Examples of references to Tanium as a company include identifying Tanium as the owner of the Tanium platform and associated product modules, and providing our contact information, including our address, at the end of a communication. The only acceptable usage of Tanium without the incorporated designation (i.e., without the “Inc.”) is if, in the context, it is clear that Tanium is in reference to the company.
Upon receiving Tanium’s advance written consent, including as provided in a separate written agreement with Tanium, you may use the Tanium trademark in word form only to reference the compatibility of your application, integration or plug-in with the Tanium platform or Tanium product modules provided that it does in fact function as described. In addition to the other requirements described herein, your notice must be made in a referential manner, such as “integrated into”, “integrated with”, “for use with,” “for” or “compatible with” the Tanium platform. For example: “[your product name] integrates into the Tanium platform.” Unless you are classified as a “Strategic Alliance Partner” (or other equivalent title) of Tanium pursuant to a separate written agreement with Tanium, you may only use terminology in your materials that relates to the specific technology integration.
Use of any Tanium logo, design or graphic is prohibited except in accordance with written consent from Tanium and in accordance with these Guidelines and the Tanium Logo Style Guide. Do not alter any Tanium logo with respect to color, font or any other design element. Refer to the Tanium Logo Style Guide for specific guidance. To request use of the Tanium logo, please forward your request to [email protected]. Tanium will evaluate the request and may ask for additional information. If approval is granted, you will be sent a written authorization to use the logo, electronic artwork, and the Tanium Logo Style Guide.
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