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Get Hands-On with Tanium! New 14-Day Free Trial

For the better part of the last two decades, I’ve been leading solutions engineering teams, working closely with sales, development, and most importantly, customers, to identify and build the technologies that help make businesses run better and more securely.

When I joined Tanium earlier this year, I already knew first-hand the incredible challenges large enterprise and public sector organizations face in trying to manage the exponential growth of endpoints and devices. I also knew from years of working with these organizations that no one did this better than Tanium.

Tanium has always focused on not only meeting its customers’ needs but anticipating them. And while we couldn’t have foreseen the events of 2020, we knew that endpoints were already proliferating outside corporate firewalls and computing activity was moving to the edge of the network.

That’s why in July we introduced Tanium as a Service (TaaS), the first zero-infrastructure endpoint management and security platform. TaaS delivers all of the power of Tanium without the capital costs, software installs or data center infrastructure investments required by on-premises software. It is Tanium on-demand, letting organizations quickly stand-up our platform and put it to work in a matter of hours or days.

And now to help IT and security leaders gain hands-on experience with TaaS, we’re making it available to try for free.

We recognize that security and IT teams are incredibly busy managing remote employees while reacting to shifts in business strategy, on top of the many other demands on their time. So we wanted to make it as easy as possible for even the busiest IT or security professional to give Tanium a try and see firsthand how it revolutionizes endpoint management.

And to help IT operations, security and risk teams even more, Tanium partners with the industry’s top technology integration and services companies, who can help time-starved IT teams set up a trial evaluation of our platform and assist in the assessment process.

Get started with Tanium today!

The Tanium as a Service free evaluation trial provides each user with their own Tanium instance, along with self-guided tutorials for getting hands-on with the platform in a test environment. The tutorials walk through key use cases — across IT operations, security and compliance — for any team needing to manage and protect endpoints.

Use cases include:

  • Discovering your complete endpoint inventory
  • Bringing endpoints under management
  • Scanning vulnerability and compliance
  • Patching and software distribution
  • Policy definition and enforcement
  • Proactive and reactive incident response

Like me, you can start using Tanium by typing in a “natural language” question. When I did it, I even mistyped a word, but, without a glitch, the Tanium platform gave me the answer I was looking for in a matter of seconds, pulling the information directly from the endpoints, not a database. I was floored. This capability is groundbreaking.

And like me, your first experience using the Tanium platform will only make you want to use it more. With Tanium, the answers are immediate. So in really no time at all you can get a clear sense of our platform’s capabilities and see how it provides a view into your endpoints you never had before.

Meeting the challenges of endpoint security for the New Normal

Even before COVID-19, workforces were becoming more distributed, the number of endpoints was growing dramatically, and security threats were becoming more frequent and more sophisticated.

When the pandemic hit, every aspect of IT security was disrupted in a way that I have never experienced in my career. Workforces left the safety of the corporate office. Supply chains and partner networks were radically altered. And the endpoint landscape changed forever.

The improvised, reconfigured IT environments created in the wake of the pandemic now pose major challenges and risks for mid-sized companies and large enterprises. In a recent survey of over 1,000 global IT leaders, 90 percent reported an increase in security attacks and 98 percent experienced an increase in security issues after moving to remote workforces earlier this year. Attack methods ranged from bogus COVID-19 sites and phishing campaigns to new forms of malware and brute force methods.

Clearly, the traditional approaches to endpoint security and management have been failing in this new era. Tanium is built to address all of these challenges, and now hundreds of the world’s most innovative organizations, including half of the Fortune 100, rely on Tanium to ensure the security and health of their endpoint devices.

The Tanium platform is a beautifully simple, beautifully effective product to use. I encourage you to experience it for yourself.

Interested in learning more about how Tanium as a Service can improve how you manage and protect your network endpoints? Sign up for a free, 14-day evaluation trial today or contact us at [email protected]

Note: This trial version is available only to qualified customers and is not intended for use in production environments.

Tanium Staff

Tanium’s village of experts co-writes as Tanium Staff, sharing their lens on security, IT operations, and other relevant topics across the business and cybersphere.

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